Monday, October 22, 2018

Politics at the Table - The Nicer Discussion

A while back, I ranted and raved about forcing your politics down other peoples' throats. I don't suggest you go read it, mostly because it's out there, read it or not as you see fit, and I'm not going to convince you to read it (or not) at this point in time. If you must read, you can find it here.

Anyway, here are a couple of gaming-focused gentlemen who have this exact conversation without being a huge, raging asshole about it like I was. Or even mention that particular company or product, and never raise their voices, and talk calmly about the situation in a logical, well-mannered fashion.

Did you catch it? The scary thing about that conversation? It's the same thing I said about the ridiculousness of the whole debacle. That's the best word I can come up with, debacle. I enjoy Paizo's offerings so far, but really, trying to enforce your politics in a game should be the last thing on your mind as a game maker - you can't enforce anything the minute anyone buys your product, so don't waste your time or possibly piss everyone off trying the impossible. Focus your time, instead, on making as good a game product as possible.

And for everyone else out there who feels ostracized for whatever reason from playing tabletop RPGs, these games we play are about having fun with our friends. Go find some different friends, or make new ones, who do want to play with you.

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